Strength & Conditioning program available to athletes from amateur to elite level individuals or teams looking to improve their sports performance.
All of our sessions are run by experienced tertiary educated trainers, who will tailor your training to your requirements and abilities.

strength and conditioning

S&C Coach Martin Kutek describes the program:
S&C is an integral part of the development of athletes. The Strength and Conditioning discipline provides services in the areas of speed, agility, endurance, strength, stability, flexibility, injury prevention, management and rehabilitation for the purposes of enhanced athletic performance during competition.
FITT’s high performance strength & conditioning model follows modern scientific researches providing proven results in different areas.
Strength & Conditioning program covers :
Self-Myofascial Release – soft tissue quality – foam rolling, trigger points
Mobility exercises – range of movement, ankles, hips, spine, shoulders
Proprioreception – balance and stability, coordination, posture, movement patterns
Speed development – reaction, acceleration, deceleration, liner, lateral and transitional speed, agility
Power training – plyometrics, Medicinball ball throws, Olympic lifting
Strength development – hypertrophy, general strength, maximal strength, explosive strength, speed strength, strength endurance
Core training – strength and stability
Conditioning – energy zones development
Flexibility – soft tissue length
Breathing mechanisms – recovery, activation, relaxation
Recovery and Nutrition